The record of my work for my Media Studies lessons with Mr Henton

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Completed StoryBoards for Inbox(1)

These are the Hitchcock groups completed storyboards for the teen horror film Inbox(1).

Sunday 5 December 2010

Certificate 15

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) are a company which give each film its certificate. As we are aiming to make our horror film a 15 certificate, this will suit our target audience of 'teen horror' I have done some research into what can and can't show in our horror opening, using the the BBFCs website (
A 15 certificate film is a film which can only be viewed by 15 and overs at the cinema or brought or rented. The film must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour. Drug taking may be shown in the film but must not promote or encourage drug missuse, and the misuse of highly dangerous and easily acessable drugs such as solvents is unlikely to be accepted. Horror is allowed aslong as the horror isnt sadistic or sexualised. If imitable behaviour is shown it must not be glamorised and the film should not dwell on detail allowing people to be able to understand how to perform these acts on themselves. Strong language may be allowed aslong as their is not frequent use of the words and their is not use of the more stronger words. Their are no constrants on nudity in a 15 certificate film. Sexual activity may be portrayed with too much detail, and sexual acts may be spoke about, however the stronger references are unlikely to be accepted unless justified by the context. Strong violence is allowed in the film but as with the other titles the film cannot focus on the content for too long or go into detail.

With all this detail taken into account i believe our horror film will definatly not exceed the 15 certificate limit.

What I have learnt from watching the Horror Film openings

When adding the opening credits to my movie i need to remember the openings to the three films:
-Dawn of the Dead

As my opening is going to have alot of footage and we will be short on space for opening titles, i think it will be important that we have our credits over the top of the footage. We have also made a decision that the opening credits are more effective when the film title is left till the end to be revealed. This adds suspense and tension leading up to the titles. We have also learnt that the main actors and actresses, producers and production companies are displayed in the opening credits as many people leave the cinema before the end of the final credits.

Mimic Horror Opening

What appears in the opening credits:
  • Images and video shots appear. Quickly jumping from one piece of media to the next using sharp transitions
  • Again as with the other films the companies are displayed first. (Dimension Films)
  • Actors and Actresses names appear on the screen, quickly flashing on and off.
  • Disturbing images of insects appear on the screen, they look like they are on display in a museum or similar.
  • Their is flickering on the screen make it appear to be like and old film reel.
  • After this people who appeared in the production phases names are shown.

Dawn of the Dead horror opening.

What appears in the opening credits:
  • The words are displayed like blood dripping down the screen.
  • The first thing to appear was the production and distribution companies as with 'Splice' (Universal Pictures, Strike Entertainment & New Amsterdam Entertainment)
  • This all happens whilst small videos or pictures of horror items are flashing up.
  • The film name appears in red font and in capitals.
  • Now the main actors and actresses names are displayed
  • The producer and co-producer are displayed
  • Finally the director is displayed
  • Their is sinister music and sound effects to suit the imagery thoroughout the opening credits.

Splice Horror Opening

Whats displayed during the opening credits?
  • The production and distribution companies are displayed first to a black background (Warner Brothers & Dark Castle Entertainement)
  • A moving image of what looks like the inside of a body, gives an unsure mood to the opening.
  • The cameras continue to move around this body, actors/actresses names beging to fade in and out at random locations across the screen.
  • This continues with the names of the people behind the production phases. i.e special effects and music.
  • Finally the film title 'Splice' appears amougnst a background which looks a bit like scales. With the music reaching a high tense pitch to end the opening credits.

Monday 22 November 2010

Opening Titles

In todays lesson we spent the first few minutes running over how far we were into our pre-production stages, once we had set the final deadline we started to look at opening credits in which we can use in our Horror Opening. We watched several opening titles to films, taking notes on what things appeared and the order they appeared in. For example we noted that the Production and Distribution companies seemed to always be the first things we saw and then it would continue into showing the main actors/actresses names. However this was not always the case. I will now go off to look at three film openings
  • Dawn of the Dead
  • Splice
  • Mimic

I will view these openings on and record the order of titles to appear on the screen. I will also start researching on the BBFC's website ( in order to start to understand what can and can't be included in a '15' rated film.

Chosen Location

We have chosen Location 2: Matthew Tyler's House for our location for our Teen Horror Opening. This is because the location plan fits the most with the plan of the storyboarded house and their is enough room for us to use wider angled shots and effects. However we need to remember to remove family photos and other objects from the house, which do not fit in with our horror film.

Location Idea 3

Location Idea 3: Roxanne Bright's House.
-Spacious front room allowing wide camera angles and movements
-Double doors leading outside (fitting with the storyboard)
-No blinds covering back windows (this is part of our film opening)
-The rest of the house does not allow for our planned storyboard to run smoothly. (the plan of the house dosnt fit our requirements)

Location Idea 2

Location Idea 2: Matthew Tyler's House.
-Double doors leading outside (fitting with storyboard)
-Large Main room giving room for the camera and the required angles.
-Plan of house easily fits with storyboard.
-Family pictures on wall (will need to be removed)
-Smaller Kitchen possibly not allowing for much camera movement in there.

Location Idea 1

Location Idea 1: Hannah Georges House.
-Has double doors leading outside (fitting with storyboard)
-Their is enough room for the camera to fit in each room and not be limited on the shots we can produce.
-Most of the story board will fit with this location
-Room with double doors is not yet decorated, no furnicture etc.
-May not have a smooth continuity as the room gets decorated.

Characters for Horror Movie Inbox(1)

Name: Karen Osborne Age: 42
Character Name: Karen Galloway
Character Age: 38
Part Description: Parent of Emma Galloway, going away for the weekend with her husband.

Name: David Osborne Age: 46
Character Name: David Galloway
Character Age: 41
Part Description: Parent of Emma Galloway, going away for the weekend with his wife.

Name: Connor Tullet Age: 16
Character Name: Unknown
Character Age: Unknown
Part Description: This character is unknown and mysterious, only seen in glances. Uses a false identity 'James Coldan' in which he uses to speak to teen girls, Emma and Claire.

Name: Roxanne Bright Age: 16
Character Name: Emma Galloway
Character Age: 16
Part Description: A teenage girl looking forward to a weekend with her best friend whilst her parents are away. Emma is an only child and finds this isolating, therefore sees Claire as a sister figure. Emma's strong mind sometimes gets the better of her, and shows a controlling and stubborn side to her. She manages to control her emotions to put on a front for Claire in her tough times.

Name: Hannah George Age: 16
Character Name: Claire Clayton

Character age: 16
Part Description: Teenage girl staying at her best friends house for the weekend whilst the parents are away. Claire is seen as a bit of a flirt and is currently single. Her family have been through a tough time recently, due to the death of a close relative. Emma has been very supportive and has invited her over for a chance to take her mind of things.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Location Planning

Today we went over the final location ideas we have drawn up. Laying out a basic plan of each location and seeing if this would fit our storyboards aswell as finding if their is enough room to film. Pictures of our final locations will be added shortly.

Storyboarding Completed.

Today we completed our storyboard for our horror opening. We now need to cast, we have started this by deciding on all our options and who will best suit our wanted charecters personalities. We also need to set a location this has also already started to be discussed.

storyboards continued...

In todays lesson we continued to complete our storyboards and have started to think about possible cast members and locations. We will look at it in more detail when we have completed our storyboards.

Horror Storyboarding

In this lesson we started to plan our storyboards for our horror opening. As a group we disscussed which camera angles would fit the look of our desired shots and we have decided to add some dialogue to the opening.

Final idea.

Our group have chosen Idea 1 from the three possible ideas we have brought together. This is because we feel it will appeal to our target audience more than the other two. This is because it involves the social networking site Facebook. The opening will also consist of more opportunities
to use a variety of camera angles and effects.

Horror Film Opening ideas for 'Inbox(1)'


Horror Pitch

In the lesson today we gave our pitch to Mr Henton and the rest of the class for our horror film 'Inbox(1)' the pitch was a round up of the film idea and was given the go ahead. Allowing us to enter the pre-production stages of this film. The pitch was filmed and will be added to the blog at a later date.
In todays lesson we finished our horror film pitch. Our pitch includes a Working Title 'Inbox(1)' aswell as an synposis for the film.

The Three Phases Of The Production Process

In todays lesson we read through a piece of text giving details on the three phases of producing a film.
1. Pre-Production
2. Production
3. Post-Production
We learnt that the bigger the film budget is, generally the more profit made. This is due to the large budget allowing for bigger and better special effects, bigger and better actors/actresses and the use of cameras allowing to film for I-Max, 3D and HD attracting more people to the film.
Once we had discussed the production processes, our group (Hitchcock) started to discuss our Horror Film opening. We looked back at our notes taken from when we watched the opening to other horror films. Using this we have started to create a pitch for our own horror film.

Final Prelim Edit

Today we finally finished editing our prelim task we added out final shot transitions, a piece of music (which we created ourselves on Garage Band) and the titles and credits. We used the music to fade in and out of the dialougue removing the un-needed background noise we have from our recordings. We then saved our film as a quicktime movie and saved it to the Hitchcock desktop.

Prelim Task Storyboards

These are the storyboards for the Hitchcock Groups Prelim Task. It consisted of 11 shots, all planned with the needed dialogue and camera angles.

Prelim Task Editing

Today me and the rest of the Hitchcock group started to edit our Prelim task, we looked carfully at each frame individually to ensure a smooth transition from one shot to another. Taking into consideration the camera angles required and transition effects. We still need to insert the sound effects, music and titles.

Horror Openings

During todays lesson we watched the opening to the popular horror film 'Wrong Turn' . We watched the film several times, taking notes on the camrea angles, sound effects and how they create tension for the audience. Setting the scene.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Horror Conventions

In todays lesson we learnt about Horror movie conventions. Conventions are things you will expect to see in Horror film such as monsters and scary houses. We also watcxhed the opening to 3 horror films

  • Jeepers Creepers
  • Jeepers Creepers 2
  • Dead Wood

we discussed the conventions of these film openings as a class and found techniques we could use in our own film openings.

Sunday 10 October 2010

my presentation on the History of Horror movies and my selected movie 'rosemarys baby'

Monday 27 September 2010

Prelim Filming and Editing

In todays lesson the group was split into two half the class went off to work on learning more about the editing software available whilst the rest of us started filming. We switched over after an hour. My group did some filming first and managed to collect all the footage we require for our first piece. At first we struggled to get to grips with the computer but we were soon getting the shots we wanted in less takes. After an our of filming we gave editing a go and learnt all about how to edit transitions and how to add other effects to the footage in general. I now fully understand most of the tools available to me on the editing software. We also learnt how to upload footage from the camera to the mac computers. This will help us in the future when we need to upload and edit footage in non lesson time.

Mac Editing

In this lesson we logged onto the mac computers and in partners learnt how to edit a piece of footage previously filmed by another media group. The teacher ran through the basics and the let us give it a try ourselves. We learnt how to select clips from the footage to crop and keep aswell as how to add sound to the footage.


Today in lesson the group my group and I started to put together a storyboard of our planned prelim task. We will complete the storyboard for homework. Our group was also given a name to help identify us as a whole more easily my group is now called the Hitchcock group after the famous director. Towards the end of the lesson my teacher ran through the basic camera set up and how to use the equipment such as the tripod to help us with next lesson when we plan to start filming our prelim task.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

What i have done so far...

Currently in Media Studies, i have learned how to create and edit this blog. I have also learnt about the different types of camera angles and camera movements. This will allow me to practice all of my current skills in the preliminary task. I have also learnt how to use my school email account. I have used my school email to set up a slideshare account which will allow me post slideshows from my lessons onto my blog.