The record of my work for my Media Studies lessons with Mr Henton

Monday 27 September 2010

Prelim Filming and Editing

In todays lesson the group was split into two half the class went off to work on learning more about the editing software available whilst the rest of us started filming. We switched over after an hour. My group did some filming first and managed to collect all the footage we require for our first piece. At first we struggled to get to grips with the computer but we were soon getting the shots we wanted in less takes. After an our of filming we gave editing a go and learnt all about how to edit transitions and how to add other effects to the footage in general. I now fully understand most of the tools available to me on the editing software. We also learnt how to upload footage from the camera to the mac computers. This will help us in the future when we need to upload and edit footage in non lesson time.

Mac Editing

In this lesson we logged onto the mac computers and in partners learnt how to edit a piece of footage previously filmed by another media group. The teacher ran through the basics and the let us give it a try ourselves. We learnt how to select clips from the footage to crop and keep aswell as how to add sound to the footage.


Today in lesson the group my group and I started to put together a storyboard of our planned prelim task. We will complete the storyboard for homework. Our group was also given a name to help identify us as a whole more easily my group is now called the Hitchcock group after the famous director. Towards the end of the lesson my teacher ran through the basic camera set up and how to use the equipment such as the tripod to help us with next lesson when we plan to start filming our prelim task.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

What i have done so far...

Currently in Media Studies, i have learned how to create and edit this blog. I have also learnt about the different types of camera angles and camera movements. This will allow me to practice all of my current skills in the preliminary task. I have also learnt how to use my school email account. I have used my school email to set up a slideshare account which will allow me post slideshows from my lessons onto my blog.