The record of my work for my Media Studies lessons with Mr Henton

Thursday 20 January 2011

Claire Clayton (Hannah George) Costume

This is the costume which Hannah George who plays Claire Clayton wears whilst filming. For the Mise-en-Scene on the filming we need to ensure that the costume stays the same through-out filming. The outfit consists of Leggings and boots with a Vest-Top and Hoody. This is typical of the teenage girl we wish to portray in the movie. Hannah also wears make-up and has her hair straightened.


As a group we have brought a tube of Fake Blood to use whilst filming from the shop 'chameleon fancy dress' in Kettering Town Centre. I have also added a picture of the props which Hannah George (Claire Clayton) wears during the filming.


Today our Filming went well, we managed to achieve many shots using the fake blood and shot the last of our Outdoor shots, this was essential as it is starting to get dark later, and soon it will be too light to continue with our continuity. We next plan to film on Thursday the 27th we plan for this to be our last session of filming, we then need to alter our storyboards as our filming no longer matches the original plan due to problems found when filming. Such as background noise and dialogue.


Our previous filming went well, we managed to complete all the frames we wanted to achieve. We next plan to film on the 20th of January. During this time we plan to continue filming our outside shots and start to use the Fake Blood to create more gorey scary shots.

Wednesday 12 January 2011


After having issues with the continuity of our film due to Christmas decorations. We plan to start filming this evening (12th January 2011)
Between 3:30pm and 5:30pmtoday we plan to film all the outside parts of our opening. Using the Garden and Drive.