The record of my work for my Media Studies lessons with Mr Henton

Thursday 7 April 2011

Editing- 7th April

Today we completely finalised our horror opening. We finshed the changes we made as a result of our feedback, and finalised our piece. Exporting it as a quick-time movie and saving it to our memory stick to take home and upload to the video sharing site, YouTube.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Editing- 5th April

Today we shown our opening to independant viewers. The feedback made it clear that changes had to be made. Our sound was often dis-jointed and jolty, There were no sound bridges between shots and this made the film have a non-flowing feel. It also came apparent that at times it wasnt entirely clear to our audience what was going on. To overcome the feedback we removed alot of our sound effects and added a backing track to add as a sound bridge between the shots in the opening. We also re-arragned the order of some of our shots. This made the opening more understandable to our audience.

Monday 4 April 2011

Editing- 4th April

Today will imported all the sound to our horror opening and edited the sound to our footage. We also tided up our titles. However as our group we are not overly happy with the final outcome and are going to ask people who have had nothing to do with the production of our opening to give an independant review, so we can alter the areas that need changing.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Freesound Downloads

My group used the website to find sound effects and background noises to add to our opening. We downloaded six different tracks in total, we managed to find a variety of noises from loud bangs to add shock to the opening, to quieter creepy ambience loops to build tension. We have saved them to our desktop and will be trying them out with our horror opening another day.

Monday 28 March 2011

Editing- 28th March

Today we finalised our opening titles. We decided upon names fro our production and distribution companies and designed their logos. We have called our production company 'Prestige Elite Productions' this names come from the font we used for our titles. The distribution company is called 'MRH Distributions' this uses the first letter of our first names. We added the titles to our opening aswell as placing names of cast members, costume designers and music company, into our film.

Monday 21 March 2011

Editing- 21st March

Today we spent an hour discussing the film titles, including production and distribution company aswell as titles to appear during the opening itself such as the Director and Screen-Play roles. We looked back at other production/distribution companies names such as Film4, Warp Films & Warner Brothers. We have come up with a few ideas using letters from our first names, aswell as even the names of fonts we have been using in the opening, however we are yet to make a final decision. We decided that the other titles would appear during the shots themselves instead of on seperate shots. We will use dark spots in our shots and place the titles in white writing on top of those selected spots. Apart from alot of discussion work and playing around with a few title ideas, the the main opening has not been editted any more since the 15th.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Editing- 15th March

Today our group spent an overall time of 2 hours editing the footage. By the end of our editing session we had all the shots we needed, in the correct order, matching with our storyboard. The overall footage came in under 2 minutes, but we can fill the time in with titles in future editing sessions. We added small shots of the stranger popping up at regular intervals in the opening getting faster as he got closer to the victims, this was not part of our original storyboarded plan but we feel it will build up a sense of worry amongst the audience for the victims safety and at times my shock certain members. We also took time to add in our main film title 'Inbox(1)', we used the type-writer effect for this, giving the impression that the titles were being typed. This matches the online/social networking feel we intend for our film.

Monday 14 March 2011

Editing- 14th March

For around an hour today, myself and my group continued to edit together our Horror Opening. WE had to decided what transition to use between the shots to ensure the audience were aware that there had been a jump back in time (flashback). As a group we decided that the 'Fade In Fade Out Dissolve' was the best option. This was added to the shot of the extreme close-up of the blurred eye, the blur also helped to create this effect. We also decided to add Cross Cutting shots to our piece, switching between the stranger lurking outside and Claire and Emma inside. We thought this would allow the audience to see what is going on outside as well as in the house at the same time, the audience would also be able to see the stranger approaching, unlike the characters. Which helps to add tension. The one downside to using this piece of footage is the zoom towards the end, the zoom is rather jolty and un-stable, it looks very un-professional. We decided to over-come the zoom by cutting the footage up into three separate freeze-frames. Creating a jolty, shocked approach which when added to a soundtrack with correct sound effects will also help to build the tension amongst our audience.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Introduction & Start of the Editting Process

Today our group started editing our footage using the Final-Cut software on the mac-computers. Our aim was to sort out the first few shots setting the scene. Although we only had the time to edit for around 15-20 minutes, we successfully edited together an establishing shot of the house using a tilt, aswell as several close-ups of Hannah George (Claire Clayton). We also started discussing the process of getting parts of our film to be a flash back. We did this by using a shot which had naturally blurred at the end, aswell as adding transitions in order to emphasise this effect. At a later date we will use sounds to also help the emphasis.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Uploaded & Ready To Edit

Our group have managed to successfully upload the footage on to the mac-computers in the Media Editing Room. We feel we have all the shots and length of footage required to create our Horror Opening. We can now start to think about Editing during lesson times, during free periods and after schools.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Updated Storyboards

As a group we have decided to change are plot slightly and therefore have had to change our original storyboards. (these are now found alongside the original storyboard posts) We changed our Horror Opening plot to better suit our target audience of 'Teen' we also feel this new plot will ensure the film is seen as a 'Horror Opening' as it will include more horror images and shots. As part of the plot change we have had to remove two of our original charecters Karen & David Osborne who were playing the parents. We are confident that by changing the storyboards we will meet the original scenario and targets.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Claire Clayton (Hannah George) Costume

This is the costume which Hannah George who plays Claire Clayton wears whilst filming. For the Mise-en-Scene on the filming we need to ensure that the costume stays the same through-out filming. The outfit consists of Leggings and boots with a Vest-Top and Hoody. This is typical of the teenage girl we wish to portray in the movie. Hannah also wears make-up and has her hair straightened.


As a group we have brought a tube of Fake Blood to use whilst filming from the shop 'chameleon fancy dress' in Kettering Town Centre. I have also added a picture of the props which Hannah George (Claire Clayton) wears during the filming.


Today our Filming went well, we managed to achieve many shots using the fake blood and shot the last of our Outdoor shots, this was essential as it is starting to get dark later, and soon it will be too light to continue with our continuity. We next plan to film on Thursday the 27th we plan for this to be our last session of filming, we then need to alter our storyboards as our filming no longer matches the original plan due to problems found when filming. Such as background noise and dialogue.


Our previous filming went well, we managed to complete all the frames we wanted to achieve. We next plan to film on the 20th of January. During this time we plan to continue filming our outside shots and start to use the Fake Blood to create more gorey scary shots.

Wednesday 12 January 2011


After having issues with the continuity of our film due to Christmas decorations. We plan to start filming this evening (12th January 2011)
Between 3:30pm and 5:30pmtoday we plan to film all the outside parts of our opening. Using the Garden and Drive.